Republic of G | Petite Sewing & Fashion

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Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

If you’ve made the commitment to rip the self-confidence out of the depths of your soul, then you’re going to need to step out of your comfort zone and tap into your fullest potential. For me, this was getting in front of a camera. I have never posted a selfie, I have never taken a photo without another person and I’ve never felt confident to post on social. The anxiety of acceptance from others, likes, judgement, it was all too much - but that all stops now.

I’ve been dating my boyfriend for 6 YEARS and I was terrified to do a photoshoot with him. I was so embarrassed to pose in front of him and thought I was going to look so stupid. He ended up making me laugh all day and it really loosened me up, so bringing someone you’re comfortable around to help you is key. Plus, if that person wants to work on their own photography skills then it’s a win-win!

SO plan a day and step out of your comfort zone and do something you wouldn’t normally do. Whether that’s wearing a particular dress or shoe some might deem “out there” or posting a selfie on Instagram (I’m not there yet) or getting in front of the camera for a photoshoot. Even if you don’t want to post, you can take photos for your eyes only and just practice getting comfortable in front of the camera.